Month: May 2020

Ep. 198: COVID-19, China-Hong Kong, SpaceX, Social Media Executive Order

Paul and Olivia begin by breaking down the latest stats regarding the Chinese Coronavirus, both at home and across the globe. Next, we cover Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s decision to officially declare Hong Kong “no longer autonomous,” as well as the rescheduled SpaceX launch. We also discuss the administration’s announcement of an upcoming executive order targeting social media bias against conservatives. Finally, we conclude with another edition of #TrumpTweetThursday. More at!

Ep. 197: CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: Latest Stats, Alabama Primary, and more!

On this Memorial Day Special, Paul and Olivia are in studio to discuss the latest statistics from COVID-19 including a look at states after they have reopened. In addition, we look at the Alabama primary between Jeff Sessions and Tommy Tuberville scheduled for July 14, Kushner’s revamping of the GOP platform, and spotlight the Nursing Home catastrophes on display across the country. More at!

Ep. 196: CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: Cut to WHO Funding, Texas Spike

Olivia discusses the Trump administration’s decision to cut funding for the WHO, and the feedback he has received from China and others. We also delve into the current situation in Texas, including the expected meat shortages. Finally, we conclude with a highly anticipated and lively edition of Trump Tweet Thursday! More at!

Ep. 195: CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: Death Toll Update, States Reopening, Economic Fallout

Olivia discusses the latest regarding the Chinese Coronavirus death toll in the United States, which surpassed 90,000 over the weekend. In addition, we look at Andrew Cuomo’s severe mistakes, Peter Navarro’s latest statement about the threat of China and Jerome Powell’s reaction to the economic fallout of the lockdowns across the nation. Finally, we cover Barr’s announcement that he does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe, and the complicit GOP. More at!

Ep. 194: ROP Update plus Liberty HealthShare, Accuracy in Media

After a brief hiatus, we are BACK! Today we bring to you a brief update about the podcast as well as developments to look forward to for the future. In addition, we bring to you some never-before-seen interviews with a number of guests!