
Ep. 51: Cupich leads Church investigation, American Catholicism Explained, John Kelly Replacement, Brexit, China, and more!

In our first episode since Thanksgiving, we give you all the news of the past weekend — including more on Pope Francis’ decision to tap disgraced Cardinal Cupich to lead the abuse investigations, a report on the factions within the American Church, and a healthy scoop of political news to boot. We talk about potential cabinet changes, and deliver some international news concerning Brexit and the rise of China. We conclude the episode with a special Christmas book and magazine guide! More at and

Ep. 50: Thanksgiving Special!

In today’s episode, we streamline all the news of the week in a special Thanksgiving edition of ‘Trump Tweet Thursdays!’ More importantly, we’re are deeply indebted to all of you, our dedicated listeners, for helping this project thrive and for being so supportive throughout our first fifty episodes of this podcast. We wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving and holiday season! More at and

Ep. 44: Jesuits and Popes, POTUS’ End to ‘Birthright’ Citizenship, & Important Midterm Races

Five days out from an extremely important and likely historic midterm election, we break down all the latest news of the week including the President’s surprising bid to terminate birthright citizenship, several key midterm races, and the effects of immigration and the Caravan on voter turnout. We also discuss some secrets about the Catholic Church, as divulged in Malachi Martin’s prophetic tome on the Jesuits, and how that might explain ongoing scandals. More at and  

Ep. 32: Grassley, Kavanaugh, Ford; Cooper vs. Trump Jr.; War on Free Speech; The Constitution & Modern Politics

In today’s episode we delve further into the Kavanaugh hearing, following news that Senator Grassley threatened to call off everything if Ford is a no-show. We also highlight the Anderson Cooper and Donald Trump Jr. feud that made headlines everywhere. Finally, we talk about the social media’s continued war on free speech; and provide some context into what the Founding Fathers would have thought about modern politics. More at and donate at

Ep. 28: Dr. Matthew Spalding talks about the Constitution, Prudence, Religious Liberty, and Founding Fathers

We were honored to host Dr. Matthew Spalding, associate Vice President and dean of educational programs for Hillsdale College, who spoke to us in an exclusive interview about religious liberty, the founding fathers and the Constitution, modern conservatism, President Trump, and questions related to America’s perceived decline. For more information visit our website and support us by donating at

Ep. 19: Viana Schlapp Interview, Mainstream Media Hysteria, Catholic Scandals, and Alexandria “Smithean” Cortez

This week, we discuss a slew of topics with Viana Schlapp (33:45), the eldest daughter of the most powerful conservative couple in Washington: Matt & Mercedes Schlapp. We also weigh in on the President’s justified labeling of the mainstream press as the “enemy,” more fallout from the Cardinal McCarrick scandal, Alexandria Cortez’ dark past as a “Smithean” capitalist and more! Disclaimer: The views expressed in our show are solely those of the hosts and should not be construed to represent the independent views of our guests. Visit and

Ep. 18: Patrick Deneen Interview

Today we had the honor of interviewing Professor Patrick Deneen, author of the critically acclaimed work, Why Liberalism Failed, which has been called “one of the most important political books of 2018” by Rod Dreher. In his provocative work, Deneen maintains “liberalism is built on a foundation of contradictions: it trumpets equal rights while fostering incomparable material inequality; its legitimacy rests on consent, yet it discourages civic commitments in favor of privatism; and in its pursuit of individual autonomy, it has given rise to the most far-reaching, comprehensive state system in human history.” We unpack these and other questions with Prof. Deneen, and discuss how liberalism has affected virtually every aspect of modern society; from politics, to religion, to culture; to questions of ontology and the natural law. Visit our website and donate to us at

Ep. 17: Turning Point, Booming Economy, Humanae Vitae, Shadow Banning and more!

Coming off the heels of our extended sojourn to our nation’s capital, we break down the events of the past week; including Charlie Kirk and Kyle Kashuv’s High School Leadership summit, our stay at the Trump DC hotel, and discuss the President’s extemporized press conference about the excellent GDP report. We also discuss in greater detail the scandals of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, and reflect on the 50th anniversary of Blessed Paul VI’s historic encyclical—Humanae vitae and more! Visit for more information and donate at!

Ep. 15: Helsinki, Russia, Intelligence Agencies, and Civitas Dei

Today we respond to some of our listeners’ questions regarding comments we made about the recent Trump-Putin Helsinki summit. We also discuss the ulterior motive behind the mainstream media’s desire to wind the clocks back fifty years by treating contemporary Russia like the threat that was the former Soviet Union. Finally, we prefigure our upcoming interview with Patrick Deneen by discussing the problems inherent in liberalism as a philosophical system, with particular emphasis on natural law and classical philosophy. Donate to us at and visit our website at

Ep. 14: Trump-Putin and Classical Music Today: Bernstein, Beethoven and Shostakovich

We unpack the Trump-Putin Summit and dissect the unwarranted bipartisan hysteria that ensued. We then shift to a discussion about classical music in America today with special guests Joshua Gersen and Albert Imperato. We discuss the life of Bernstein, in what would be his centennial, and the cultural and political influences on Beethoven and Shostakovich. We also tackle the popularity of classical music in the 21st century. The views expressed in our show are solely those of the hosts and should not be construed to represent the independent views of our guests. Donate at and visit our website for more.