Political News

Ep. 32: Grassley, Kavanaugh, Ford; Cooper vs. Trump Jr.; War on Free Speech; The Constitution & Modern Politics

In today’s episode we delve further into the Kavanaugh hearing, following news that Senator Grassley threatened to call off everything if Ford is a no-show. We also highlight the Anderson Cooper and Donald Trump Jr. feud that made headlines everywhere. Finally, we talk about the social media’s continued war on free speech; and provide some context into what the Founding Fathers would have thought about modern politics. More at rightonpointpodcast.com and donate at patreon.com/rightonpoint.

Ep. 31: Wuerl Takes Asylum in Rome, Washington Blown Away by Kavanaugh Abuse Allegations, Fake News Hurricane

We grapple with an explosive news week which included new details regarding Cardinal Wuerl’s resignation letter and the Vatican’s unnerving silence in the face of the abuse scandal. We also consider whether there is any credibility to this Kavanaugh abuse story and dissect why it reeks of a political hit job by disgruntled Democrats. Also the fake news was working overtime in their coverage of Hurricane Florence: we discuss! Donate at patreon.com/rightonpoint and visit our website at rightonpointpodcast.com for more information.

Ep. 30: America Winning Coalition’s Steve Rogers on Woodward, Kavanaugh, the Op-Ed, & 2018 Midterms!

Lieutenant Steve Rogers, president of America Winning Coalition and great friend of the program, rejoins Right on Point to discuss all the major news items of the past week. We talk about the extraordinary jobs numbers of the booming Trump economy, the childish antics of Cory Booker and Kamala Harris during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, and the relentless desire of the deep-state’s to undermine the MAGA agenda. For more about the AWC, visit https://www.awcnj.us/. Visit rightonpointpodcast.com for more and donate at patreon.com/rightonpoint.

Ep. 27: Vigano letter, Cardinal Wuerl, Trump’s trade deal, Elections in Texas, New York, and more!

In today’s news-packed episode, we exhaustively break down the latest news in the Catholic Church’s abuse crisis; discuss President Trump’s renegotiation of the NAFTA trade disaster; dissect Beto O’Rourke’s bid to unseat Ted Cruz in Texas’ senate race; highlight the lunacy of New York’s gubernatorial race; and talk about the Brett Kavanaugh hearing, which starts this week. Visit rightonpointpodcast.com for more and donate at patreon.com/rightonpoint.

Ep. 25: John McCain, Carlo Vigano bombshell letter, Kellyanne/Cuomo debate, Border Security, and Cohen

In today’s jam-packed episode, we first discuss Senator John McCain’s death, with attention on his legacy and a dissection of the mainstream media’s coverage. We also flesh out the revelatory letter by ex-nuncio Carlo Vigano, alleging Pope Francis’ complicity in the McCarrick abuse scandal. Finally, we discuss some of the biggest news from the White House, including the recent CNN polemical prizefight between Kellyanne Conway and Chris Cuomo on CNN. Become a patron by donating at Patreon.com/rightonpoint and visit our website rightonpointpodcast.com for more information.

Ep. 23: “Never Great” Cuomo, Brennan, Omarosa, and Catholic Scandals

After an eventful week of news, Paul and Olivia break down the egregious remarks about America’s lack of greatness by New York’s dunderheaded governor; his brother’s equally asinine apologia for Antifa violence; John Brennan’s depraved theatrics; and the media’s histrionic obsession over Omarosa — the woman they deemed to have “zero credibility” just weeks ago. We also delve further into the McCarrick scandal and the Pennsylvania grand jury report that has plagued the Catholic Church. Visit our website at rightonpointpodcast.com and donate at patreon.com/rightonpoint.

Ep. 20: Matt Schlapp Returns!

ACU Chairman and friend of the program, Matt Schlapp, makes his return to the Right on Point podcast to discuss the special elections in Ohio and Kansas, his good friend Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, and the dangerous precedents being set by the Paul Manafort trial. We also talk about the recent CPAC event in Bismarck, North Dakota and what to expect of this November’s midterm elections. Visit our website at rightonpointpodcast.com and donate at patreon.com/rightonpoint.

Ep. 17: Turning Point, Booming Economy, Humanae Vitae, Shadow Banning and more!

Coming off the heels of our extended sojourn to our nation’s capital, we break down the events of the past week; including Charlie Kirk and Kyle Kashuv’s High School Leadership summit, our stay at the Trump DC hotel, and discuss the President’s extemporized press conference about the excellent GDP report. We also discuss in greater detail the scandals of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, and reflect on the 50th anniversary of Blessed Paul VI’s historic encyclical—Humanae vitae and more! Visit rightonpointpodcast.com for more information and donate at patreon.com/rightonpoint!

Ep. 16: Coverage of TPUSA’s High School Leadership Summit

This week we broadcasted live from Washington DC as we had the opportunity to attend Turning Point USA’s High School Leadership Summit. We compiled snippets of the week’s highlights featuring the nation’s top conservative voices, including exclusive speeches by Don Jr, Senator Rand Paul and more. We also interviewed students to hear their perspective on the liberal bias in schools and how they became involved in the movement. Find us online at rightonpointpodcast.com and donate at patreon.com/rightonpoint!

Ep. 15: Helsinki, Russia, Intelligence Agencies, and Civitas Dei

Today we respond to some of our listeners’ questions regarding comments we made about the recent Trump-Putin Helsinki summit. We also discuss the ulterior motive behind the mainstream media’s desire to wind the clocks back fifty years by treating contemporary Russia like the threat that was the former Soviet Union. Finally, we prefigure our upcoming interview with Patrick Deneen by discussing the problems inherent in liberalism as a philosophical system, with particular emphasis on natural law and classical philosophy. Donate to us at patreon.com/rightonpoint and visit our website at rightonpointpodcast.com.